Drug Intervention

Drug Intervention

Drug addiction is on the rise in our country, affecting more than 21 million people.

A drug addiction intervention is the first line of defense in stopping it in its tracks.

You hear it in the news, on social media, and everyday conversations about who died this week of a drug overdose, celebrities and family members alike. Drug addiction comes in all shapes and sizes, from young adults to retirees; drugs answer the relentless call to soothe the cravings of the addiction. A tough cycle to disrupt, drug addiction is a serious problem in our country. Finding lifelong recovery can be difficult, but it is possible.

It can be challenging to help a loved one struggling with a drug addiction. Addictions don’t discriminate and have an impact on more than just your loved one. People who struggle with addictive behaviors are often in denial about their situation, and usually unwilling to seek treatment. Most times they can’t see the negative effects their behavior has on their own lives, much less the lives of those around them including children, siblings, spouses, partners and parents.

A professional drug intervention can be a powerful way for a family member, colleague or friend ignoring or denying their current lifestyle choices to change.

We combine our proprietary Breakfree Intervention method, with our unsurpassed reputation in the field of crisis intervention as being ethical, effective, and professional. Founder Brad Lamm, developed the Fair Care Promise to ensure ethical standards and delivery of services.

We help families do what you can’t do on your own. With respect, love and hope.
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